Working with nested data
By Evelien Willems
Working with lists in lists
As you may notice from your first inspection of some of the data frames the get_work()
function delivers, the function confronts you with a couple of nested columns in its output. We will go over two examples to dig up relevant information from these lists in lists. Keep in mind that it is recommended to go step-by-step when going deeper into the lists as it is far too easy to end up with a giant unfitting data frame when combining multiple ‘unnestings’ at once without knowing the exact content of the data stored within the lists.
1. Topics by type of activity and party: unnesting of the column contacttype
Let’s delve into these lists in lists by creating a pi_work
data frame.
pi_work <- get_work(date_range_from="2021-01-01"
, date_range_to="2021-12-31"
, fact="parliamentary_initiatives"
, type="details"
, plen_comm="plen")
Specifically, we will unnest columns to assess which MPs from which parties are most active in proposing new legislation and tabling resolutions.
pi_work %>%
select(id_fact, type_specifiek, contacttype) %>%
unnest(contacttype, names_sep = "_") %>%
unnest(contacttype_contact, names_sep = "_") %>%
unnest(contacttype_contact_fractie, names_sep = "_") -> pi_type_party
Now we can make a count of the observations by relevant types of activity and party or visualize the results. First, we filter out legislative proposals made by MPs (‘Voorstel van decreet’) and resolutions (‘Voorstel van resolutie’).
pi_type_party %>%
filter(type_specifiek == "Voorstel van decreet"
| type_specifiek == "Voorstel van resolutie") -> pi_type_party_c
Next, we group our data by party to arrive at a count. Alternatively, we can plot the results.
pi_type_party_c %>%
group_by(contacttype_contact_fractie_naam) %>%
count(type_specifiek, sort = T) -> pi_type_party_cc
plot6 <- ggplot(pi_type_party_cc, aes(x = reorder(contacttype_contact_fractie_naam, -n), y = n, fill = type_specifiek, colour = type_specifiek)) +
geom_bar(stat ="identity") +
labs(x="", y = "Count") +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust=.5, hjust=1)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())

2. Voting records: Unnesting of the column vote
and subsequent lists in lists
pi_work %>%
select(id_fact, vote, type_specifiek) %>%
unnest_wider(vote, names_sep = "_") %>%
unnest(vote_stemming) %>%
select(id_fact,type_specifiek, `stemming-tegen`) %>%
unnest_wider(`stemming-tegen`, names_sep="_") %>%
select(id_fact, type_specifiek, `stemming-tegen_persoon`,
`stemming-tegen_stem`, `stemming-tegen_zetel` ) %>%
unnest_longer(c(`stemming-tegen_persoon`, `stemming-tegen_stem`, `stemming-tegen_zetel`)) %>%
unnest(`stemming-tegen_persoon`) %>%
unnest(fractie, names_sep="_") %>%
rename(stem = `stemming-tegen_stem`, zetel = `stemming-tegen_zetel`) %>%
select(id_fact, type_specifiek, fractie_id, fractie_naam, `fractie_zetel-aantal`, naam, voornaam, stem) -> votes_against
votes_against <- unique(votes_against)
pi_work %>%
select(id_fact, vote, type_specifiek) %>%
unnest_wider(vote, names_sep = "_") %>%
unnest(vote_stemming) %>%
select(id_fact,type_specifiek, `stemming-voor`) %>%
unnest_wider(`stemming-voor`, names_sep="_") %>%
select(id_fact, type_specifiek, `stemming-voor_persoon`,
`stemming-voor_stem`, `stemming-voor_zetel` ) %>%
unnest_longer(c(`stemming-voor_persoon`, `stemming-voor_stem`, `stemming-voor_zetel`)) %>%
unnest(`stemming-voor_persoon`) %>%
unnest(fractie, names_sep="_") %>%
rename(stem = `stemming-voor_stem`, zetel = `stemming-voor_zetel`) %>%
select(id_fact, type_specifiek, fractie_id, fractie_naam, `fractie_zetel-aantal`, naam, voornaam, stem) -> votes_favor
votes_favor <- unique(votes_favor)
pi_work %>%
select(id_fact, vote, type_specifiek) %>%
unnest_wider(vote, names_sep = "_") %>%
unnest(vote_stemming) %>%
select(id_fact,type_specifiek, `stemming-onthouding`) %>%
unnest_wider(`stemming-onthouding`, names_sep="_") %>%
select(id_fact, type_specifiek, `stemming-onthouding_persoon`,
`stemming-onthouding_stem`, `stemming-onthouding_zetel` ) %>%
unnest_longer(c(`stemming-onthouding_persoon`, `stemming-onthouding_stem`, `stemming-onthouding_zetel`)) %>%
unnest(`stemming-onthouding_persoon`) %>%
unnest(fractie, names_sep="_") %>%
rename(stem = `stemming-onthouding_stem`, zetel = `stemming-onthouding_zetel`) %>%
select(id_fact, type_specifiek, fractie_id, fractie_naam, `fractie_zetel-aantal`, naam, voornaam, stem) -> votes_abstention
votes_abstention <- unique(votes_abstention)
rbind(votes_against, votes_favor, votes_abstention) -> votes_af
votes_af %>%
select(id_fact, fractie_naam, `fractie_zetel-aantal`, type_specifiek, stem) %>%
group_by(id_fact, fractie_naam,`fractie_zetel-aantal`, type_specifiek) %>%
count(stem) %>%
mutate(prop = n/`fractie_zetel-aantal`) -> votes_records